The Winnipeg Improv Festival Returns!

Oct 17th to Oct 20th, 2024


Join us at the Winnipeg Fringe Festival for some great improv shows

(actually, there are so many shows to check out at the Fringe)
You can also contact us about improv classes!


shows & workshops!

The Winnipeg Improv Festival returns to the Gas Station Arts Centre for a whole season of improv shows.

The next improv show is on Saturday, April 27th at 7pm at the Gas Station Arts Centre

The show is SOLO IMPROV and will feature Stephen Sim doing his Solo Improv Show as well as a first half filled with solo improv!


Our Team

The festival would like to thank some amazing people who make this festival happen. Nick Kowalchuk is the Executive Director for the Gas Station Arts Centre. Todd Drader is the Technical Director of the Gas Station Arts Centre. Stephen Sim and Caity Curtis work tirelessly as the Artistic Director team. Kevin Ramberran and Luke Cecelon are the wonderful Festival Coordinator team. Kristen Einarson is our brand new Publicist and we are lucky to have her!

We have many people to thank. We have many volunteers behind the scenes, from those selling you the tickets, to people making all the technical aspects works smoothly! We would also like to thank all of our sponsors and audience members who support improv, live theatre and the festival!